Press Release
FECER calls on the G8 to meet environmental challenges
At its meeting today in Stockholm, FECER, the European Federation of Executives in the Sectors of Energy and related Research, which represents more than 20,000 managers from all over Europe, said it was pleased that there was increasing acknowledgement at the G8 meeting in Heiligendamm that climate change was man made.
The urgent need to limit changes to global temperature to 2 degrees Celsius, requires the introduction of mandatory global carbon dioxide reduction targets.The lead in meeting the environmental challenge by the EU is to be applauded. However current measures such as the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) need to be deepened and widened. For example the ETS could be used as a template for a global carbon trading scheme.
FECER calls upon the G8 leaders to commit to the necessary measures without further delay and engage the developing economies on the role they can play in safeguarding the environment.
FECER (Fédération Européenne des Cadres de I’Energie et de la Recherche) was founded in 1992 and is a member of the CEC (Conféderation Européenne des Cadres). The purpose of the FECER is to discuss, formulate and represent the common interests (in social matters, energy political matters etc.) of managers from the European energy sectors.
Stockholm 7 June 2007